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Thermal Screening

Glass & Reusable Containers and Linings

YEONJIN 2008-09-18 15:01:09 8439
https://www.yeonjin.com/bbs/view.php?id=Yeonjin_Science_OpenShop&category=46&no=397Glass & Reusable Containers and Linings


  The ability of the RSD to work with a range of sample containers was central to the design philosophy of the RSD.

Glass is often the material of choice as the possibility of catalysis of a reaction is very low. Metals such as Stainless Steel are most likely to catalyse a reaction and in any calorimeter the surface area to sample volume is much greater than in a real situation.

ARC-bombs made from Titanium or Hastelloy-C may be appropriate (and will of course withstand very high pressure) but especially where many tests are envisaged the cost of such sample holders becomes significant.

A range of glass vessels may be used in the RSD. Indeed the design of the sample cavity, with the sample holder, is such that vessels of varying size and shape may be included. It is possible to use simple open test tube and these may be appropriate if there is no gas generated and lost from the sample or if simulation tests are appropriate in such an open configuration.

However for general work with glass sample holders the RSD was designed to incorporated HPLC vials. These can be attached to the connector in the normal way to give a pressure seal and can be run typically to 10 bar (150 psi). Note that in the RSD software the pressure units may be defined (bar or psi).

The sample holder connector contains the integrated thermocouple and a burst disc holder. The burst disc itself is a simple aluminium disc—of varying thickness and hence burst pressure. The glass vials have a burst pressure near 20 bar 300 psi—and thus a burst disc with that relieves pressure near 15 bar 225 psi would typically be chosen.

Nevertheless bursting of the glass vials might occur. If this does happen then the test is concluded and perhaps 1 bursting vial will rupture one or more others. But the glass shatters to small pieces and is easily removed from the sample chamber.

In addition there are thermocouple liners available and reusable cells where various sizes of glass sample holder can be used.

Method 및 측정결과, 평가/해석에 관한 추가자료는 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.

Technical Application Note 18, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK