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Thermal Screening

Ammonium Nitrate의 상전이(Phase Transitions)

YEONJIN 2008-09-18 15:01:09 7326
https://www.yeonjin.com/bbs/view.php?id=Yeonjin_Science_OpenShop&category=46&no=397Phase Transitions in Ammonium Nitrate


  The use of the Rapid Screening Device (RSD) for the study of exothermic decompositions has been well documented in previous application notes. In this study we detail the use of the RSD for the measurement of endothermic transitions.

Ammonium Nitrate (AN) is commonly used in both the explosives and agrochemical markets where it is used as a source of oxygen and nitrogen respectively. Several significant industrial accidents have occurred where large quantities of ammonium nitrate have detonated - the most
recent example being the Toulouse explosion in 2001.

As has been shown in the literature the stability of the material is highly dependent on purity, pH, particle size and density. Solid AN generally exhibits several phase transitions before both the melting and decomposition exotherms and these can be used to characterise the overall stability of the material.

Method 및 측정결과, 평가/해석에 관한 추가자료는 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.

Technical Application Note 19, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK