Operation of the RSD Sodium Chloride Solutions INTRODUCTION
| The Cryogenic option for the RSD was tested with a simple sample series; water and Sodium Chloride (salt) solutions.
Using the cryogenic option the system was cooled to -120 ℃ and then with the flow of liquid nitrogen cooled
nitrogen gas maintained was heated at 1℃/min from a control temperature of -110 ℃. 1.0 +/- 0.05g of sample was used in glass vials. Pressure was not connected or measured.
The samples were: water, sodium chloride solutions at 20 gm/l, 100 gm/ml and 350 gm/ml (saturated solution). In addition an empty vial was used and the air temperature recorded from this sample. |
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Technical Application Note 15, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK