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Thermal Screening

Ethyl 2 Chloroacetoacetate의 열적 분해영향 측정

YEONJIN 2008-09-18 15:01:09 7603
https://www.yeonjin.com/bbs/view.php?id=Yeonjin_Science_OpenShop&category=46&no=397Temperature and decomposition pressure of Ethyl 2 Chloroacetoacetate


  Ethyl-2-chloroacetoacetate is an internediate widely used in addtion reqactions for chemical synthesis. Little is know of its decomposition behavious other than there has been noticed that significant pressure is generated.

The RSD is a rapid and reliable method to screen any chemical to see thermal and pressure effects and thus will quickly screen such a reagent for any decomposition hazards.

Method 및 측정결과, 평가/해석에 관한 추가자료는 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.

Technical Application Note 105, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK