LAS 사 온라인 분석기는 샘플링, 분석, 보고 / 알람, 정리, cleanup, auto-calibration까지 완벽하게 갖춘 "laboratory in a box"이라고 생각할 수 있습니다. 또한 최소의 유지 보수 비용을 배려하여 디자인됩니다. 예를 들어 peristaltic pump가 사용되지 않고 펌프의 튜브 교체를 필요로 하지 않습니다! 대부분의 경우 분기별로 확인만 하면 됩니다.
LAS 온라인 분석기는 여러가지 분석 방법을 사용할 수 있으며 무인 자동화 작동을 위한 완전한 기능과 옵션을 제공됩니다. 분석에 사용되는 기본 분석 방법은, Titration, pH, Spectroscopy, Colorimetry 입니다:

Titration – Versatile with low drift, carrying out both known and specialty techniques, this well-known method is most the fundamental and well established. LAS brings auto titration online, applying its proven reliability to most any chemical process. Redox, pH, colorimetric and turbidimetric titration sensors are offered with both absolute and differential endpoint detection.

pH – Auto-calibrated and temperature-compensated for maximum stability and accuracy. Our at-line approach is also isolated from the process for maximum probe longevity and overall reliability. Sample is automatically drawn into the analyzer cell at preset intervals for pH determination. Afterward, the cell and probe are rinsed, preserving the probe calibration and condition.

Spectroscopy – A rapid, multicomponent analysis method. It is used to distinguish components in mixtures and is often accomplished without reagents or sample loss. Our methods include online and atline Raman spectroscopy and UV-VIS spectroscopy with complete sample preparation and auto calibration for a broad set of detection capabilities.
Colorimetry – Utilizing sensitive and proven methods including EPA approved methods for water and wastewater analysis. Online colorimetery is a fast and economical option for chemical process measurement and control.
Model L360 |
Models L450 & L460 |
Models L510, L540, L550PC & L560 |
Please contact us for other parameters.