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https://www.yeonjin.com/bbs/view.php?id=Yeonjin_Science_OpenShop&category=46&no=397Cryogenic Operation of the RSD — Liquid-Solid Phase Transitions in Solvents; the Natural Warming and Forced Cooling Rates


  The Cryogenic option for the RSD was implemented to describe the cooling and warming rates under normal use. During this test 5 solvents were used and the sixth channel used for an air reference.

Air Cooling and warming profiles
DMF Cooling and warming profiles and the difference between this solvent and air
Aniline Cooling and warming profiles and the difference between this solvent and air
Acetic Anhydride
Thiophene Endotherm upon warming in the solid state and melting

Method 및 측정결과, 평가/해석에 관한 추가자료는 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.

Technical Application Note 16, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK