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TSA12Gi Thermoelectric Stage for inverted microscope

TSA12Gi Thermoelectric Stage for inverted microscope

  • Thermoelectric stage for inverted microscope operation
  • -25°C ~ 90°C with thermoelectric heating and cooling
  • Specific design for samples in Petri dishes up to φ 40.5 mm
  • Streamlined design for long duration experiments without liquid nitrogen



Instec의 TSA12Gi는 inverted 광학현미경용으로 특별히 설계된 Thermo Electric (Peltier) 기반의 핫 스테이지입니다. 넓은 샘플 챔버, 간단한 온도 컨트롤, 향상된 분위기 제어, 조정 가능한 넓은 투시창 (viewing window) 및 맞춤형 베이스 플레이트가 특징입니다.

TSA12Gi의 샘플 챔버는 샘플을 수용 할 수 있으며 최대 53mm x 78mm (옵션)까지 슬라이딩 할 수 있습니다. 펠티에 열전 소자 장치는 값 비싼 냉각기나 액체 질소 공급 없이도 가열과 냉각이 됩니다. 이는 저온에서 장시간 시험을 수행 할 때 편리합니다. 또한 시스템 셑업이 간단하여 운영비가 절약됩니다. 덮가 있어 정밀한 온도 제어, 가스 퍼지 및 분위기 컨트롤이 가능합니다. 

Purge gas is pre-heated/cooled before entering the sample chamber for improved thermal performance. The cover lid windows are defrosted for low temperature operation, and ports are available for the user's own atmospheric sensors, e.g. CO2, humidity, etc. The viewing aperture can be a 40mm wide window or replaced with smaller windows for better thermal operation. In addition an inner lid is available for better thermal unifomty. The TSA12Gi base plate is removable and replaceable. It can be customized to fit a specific microscope stage. 

TSA12Gi is an ideal solution for applications such as Cell Culture, Biology, and Thermal Microscopy for inverted microscopes.


Thermal Features

Temperature Control

mK2000 with programmable  precision switching PID method

Thermal Block

Black anodized aluminum

Sample Thermal Cover

Removable Inner sample  cover with additional window

Temperature Minimum

-25°C (with 5°C frame  cooling)

Temperature Maximum


Temperature Sensor

100 Ω Platinum RTD

Maximum Heating Rate

+12°C per minute at 37°C

Maximum Cooling Rate

-10°C per minute at 0°C

Minimum Heating and  Cooling Rate

±0.01°C per minute

Temperature Resolution


Temperature Stability


Power Supply

Universal power input


Windows software to record  and export temperature-time data


Optical Features

Optical Access

Reflection and  transmission capability

Optical Windows

Removable and exchangeable  windows permit full-spectrum transparency

Minimum Objective Working  Distance

5.4 mm

Minimum Condenser Working  Distance

22.8 mm

Top Window

27 mm (outer Φ), 20 mm (inner Φ)

Top Viewing Angle

±31° from normal

Transmission Aperture

12 mm diameter

Bottom Window

38.5 mm (outer Φ), 12 mm (inner Φ)

Bottom Viewing Angle

±68° from normal

Window Defrost

Integrated external window  defrost


Structural Features

Sample Area

40.5 mm diameter to fit 35  mm Petri dishes

Chamber Height

  • 10.4 mm without removeable  inner cover
  • 11.7 mm with removeable  inner cover

Frame Cooling

Integrated frame cooling  via hose barb ports with optional chiller system


Horizontal and vertical  mounting capability

Frame Dimensions

159.8 mm x 109.8 mm x  39.5 mm


1000 g


TSA12Gi Thermoelectric Stage for inverted microscope

Instec's TSA12Gi is Thermo Electroc Cooler (Peltier) based thermal stage designed specifically for inverted optical microscopes. It features a large and gas tight sample chamber, simple thermal control, improved atmospheric control, wide adjustable viewing window, and customizable base plate. 
This is convenient for performing long duration experiements at cold temperatures. It also simplifies the system set up and reduces operating costs. The lid allows for precision temperature control, gas purge, and atmospheric control. 
















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