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Bomb Calorimeter, Micro Reaction Calorimeter
Isothermal Titration Calorimeter, Cement Calorimeter, Bio Calorimeter
IBC Isothermal Battery Calorimeter

μRC™ 마이크로 반응열량계 (Micro Reaction Calorimeter)

  • 등온적정 - 등온열량 - DSC - Cp  : All-in-one 
  • Solid 및 liquid, mixture 측정을 위한 low volume disposable cell
  • 감도가 뛰어나고 측정범위가 넓어 생물학적 물질에서 폭발물까지 다양한 응용,
  • 응답속도가 매우 빨라 Kinetic application이 가능합니다,
  • 10 bar 까지의 압력환경에서 실험이 가능한 catalysis와 hydrogen의 모니터링,
  • Solid addition을 이용한 정확한 dissolution study


Power compensation 원리를 이용한 μRC™는 titration, isothermal, pressure, scanning calorimeter로써 신속, 정확, 간단, 안전, 저렴한 마이크로 반응열량계입니다. Cp 측정은 물론 dissolution study를 위한 solid addition이 가능합니다.

THT는 μW 감도와 1.5 ml 소모성 바이알을 갖춘 마이크로 반응 열량계 µRC ™를 디자인하고 생산, 공급합니다. 본 시스템은 발열 및 흡열 반응 시 변화되는 엔탈피를 신속하게 측정합니다. Computer controlled addition syringe를 사용하여 매우 정확하고 반복적인 시약 적정이 가능합니다. 

Versatile and flexible µRC accomplishes most of the tasks of a large volume reaction calorimeter - but faster, simpler, cheaper and safer.


Areas of Application

  • Heat capacity (Cp) determination
  • Process development
  • Thermal stability 
  • Enthalpy of solution by solid addition
  • Hydrogenation and gas flow
  • Simultaneous titraiton and pressure measurement
  • Hazard analysis
  • Thermal stability
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Excipient compatibility
  • Food spoilage
  • Microbial growth
  • Protein denaturation
  • Adhesive curing
  • End point determination

Options available for solid addition and pressure measurement

Heat capacity measurement of water


The Micro Reaction Calorimeter is an isothermal calorimeter for testing small volume chemical samples (up to 1.5ml). It comes with a broad range of functionality, including temperature scanning, step-isothermal, heat capacity measurement and titration.



  • Sensitivity: ± 5µW

  • Dynamic range: 5µW to 300mW

  • Temperature: -10 to 200°C
  • Modes of operation: Isothermal, Step Isothermal, Scanning, Titration
  • Scanning Rate: Up to 2°C/min
  • Isothermal Stability: +/- 0.0001oC - over extended time period
  • Stirring Speed: 0 - 400 rpm
  • Time Constant: 10- 20 seconds
  • Cell Volume: 2.0ml
  • Cell Type: Removable glass vial
  • Injection Volume: 1 to 250 µL
  • Temperature Control: Peltier based - no external equipment required
  • Measurement Principle: Power compensation
  • Connection to PC: Cable from μRC to PC USB port
  • Footprint 15 x 40 x 35cm (width x depth x height)



Pressure measurement :
up to 10 bar for monitoring catalysis/hydrogenation

Hydrogenation option:
simultaneously deliver gas to both sample and reference vials

Gas flow option:
mass flow controller to regualte gas flow up to 10ml/min to sample vial

Solid addition option:
dose temperature equilibrated powder to liquid for accurate dissolution studies

Disposable syringe 
Option: manual titration using disposable syrignes

Kinetics analysis 
Module comprising:

  1. (1) File conversion software
  2. (2) Data processing software*
  3. (3) Kinetic modelling software*
  4. (4) Reactor simulation software*

* Appropriate for semi-batch reactions, isothermal & ramped temperature datasets; descriptive kinetic models

μRC™ 마이크로 반응열량계 (Micro Reaction Calorimeter)

Titration calorimetry, isothermal calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry.

An all in one instrument
THT offers the micro reaction calorimeter uRC™ with µW sensitivity and 1.5ml disposable vials. This system gives rapid determination of both exothermic and endothermic reaction enthalpies. The use of a computer controlled addition syringe allows highly accurate and repeated titration of reagents.
Versatile and flexible uRC accomplishes most of the tasks of a large volume reaction calorimeter – but faster, simpler, cheaper and safer.

The micro reaction calorimeter μRC from Thermal Hazard Technology (THT), performs isothermal, step-isothermal, temperature scanning and titration studies as well as having the capacity to stir liquid reaction media. Options for pressure measurement, solid addition and gas flow are available.
The small sample requirement (up to 1.5ml) permits rapid temperature changes because the relatively small heat sink reaches thermal equilibrium very quickly. A stable baseline and temperature change is typically achieved within 20 minutes. The μRC Peltier modules control the sample temperature over the temperature range of –20 to 170°C requiring no external chillers or liquid nitrogen cooling.


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