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SDAC6000 Automatic Isoperibol Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter

고압의 산소 충진과 시험 후 산소 제거과정이 완전 자동화된 SDAC6000 모델은 측정 시간이 매우 빠른 기기로써, 석탄, 코크스, 석유, cement black meal, 바이오 매스 연료 및 건축 자재와 같은 고체 및 액체 가연성 물질, 다양한 식품의 발열량을 결정하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • Fully automatic oxygen filling and releasing, fully automatic bomb raising and lowering, full test ...
  • Optional support stand, customer can choose either benchtop or vertical type















발열량 측정과 구동에 최적화된 디자인, 완전 자동화된 oxygen bomb 탈착, 모든 테스트 프로세스는 10분 내에 완료됩니다.
  1. Unique bucket water circle system, which can determine water volume for each testing automatically. New stainless steel oxygen bomb can be easily assembled and disassembled. High stirring efficiency by propeller, faster heat transfer of oxygen bomb, testing time is greatly reduced.
  2. Unique automatic press type oxygen filling & releasing design, no blockage, much more stable than traditional automatic calorimeter.
  3. Built-in intelligent water tank with heating and cooling function, water temperature can keep constant, non-stop working available.
  4. High automation: bomb raising & lowering, oxygen filling & releasing, determination of bucket water volume and control of water temperature and test can be finished automatically. 


환경 적응성이 뛰어나 주변 환경의 온도 변화에 흔들리지 않고, 정밀하고 정확하며 신뢰할 수있는 테스트 결과를 도출합니다. 
  1. Helix tube multipoint isothermal technology, create a controllable and stable internal environment (consists of jacket and jacket lid, temperature difference less than 0.1℃),stop the interference of external environment (such as air flow, temperature) to bucket, test result is reliable.
  2. Independent jacket and bucket water system. After the test, bucket water automatically flow back into water tank, no affection between inlet and outlet of bucket water and jacket water. Jacket water temperature is stabilized. 


정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 시험 결과 제공
  1. Larger heat capacity make the testing result is more accurate and reliable.


합리적인 구조, 신뢰성 있는 구동, 안전하고 환경 친화적 제품
  1. With self-diagnostic function, malfunction can be detected accurately, easy to maintain.
  2. Unique crucible support design, convenient to use.








Analysis Time

Analysis Time: less than 8min Full Test Process: less than 10min

Temperature Resolution

0.0001 ℃

Precision(RSD) (1g Benzoic Acid)


Heat Capacity Stability

≤0.2% within three months

System Structure

Benchtop / Vertical

Conformance with Standard

ASTM D5865, ASTM D240, ASTM D4809, ASTM E711, AS 1038.5,BS EN 15400, BIS1350, ISO 1928, ISO 9831,ISO18125

Test per Hour

6 times

Bomb volume

250 ml

Calorimeter Type


Oxygen Filling

Fully automatic oxygen filling & releasing, fully automatic bomb raising & lowering

Bomb Washing


Max. Bomb pressure

20 MPa

Bomb Identity


Gas Requirement

99.5% Oxygen


SDAC6000 Automatic Isoperibol Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter


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