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Thermal Analyzers

ARC, Dielectric Cure Monitor (DEA), Plastic identification, Proximate analyzer, TGA

DSC / DEA Bundle

Add DSC to your Thermal Analysis toolkit


고분자 분석 시 DSC는 주요 application 중 하나입니다. DSC는 DEA를 보완해주지만, 대부분의 쓸 만한 DSC는 매우 고가이므로 Lambient Technologies는 LINSEIS와 제휴하여 업계 최초의 저렴한 DSC / DEA 패키지를 제공합니다.

Lambient Technologies는 LINSEIS Corporation과 제휴하여 LINSEIS의 Chip-DSC 1과 Chip-DSC 10 장비를 제공합니다.본 구성은 ambient Technologies의 Dielectric Cure Monitor (DEA, 유전율측정기)와 함께 특별 할인된 가격의 번들로 제공됩니다.


Lambient Technologies has partnered with LINSEIS Corporation to offer LINSEIS’ Chip-DSC 1 and Chip-DSC 10 instruments, which can be purchased on their own, or bundled with any of Lambient Technologies’ DEA instruments at special reduced pricing.

LINSEIS’ Chip-DSC instruments integrate all essential parts of DSC: furnace, sensor and electronics in a miniaturized housing. The chip arrangement comprises the heater and temperature sensor in a chemically inert ceramic arrangement with metallic heater and temperature sensor. The integrated design of the chip-sensor delivers superior raw data, which enables a direct analysis without pre- or post-processing of heat flow data.

Combined with instruments from Lambient Technologies, it is possible to correlate dielectric analysis of cure state with thermal analysis from DSC. Because dielectric analysis is the only method of real-time cure monitoring in molds, presses, autoclaves and other production environments, this cost-efficient pairing brings DSC insights from the lab to manufacturing.

The full system provides the industry’s only complete, integrated, affordable solution for dielectric analysis and DSC. It is ideal for use in laboratory, quality control, or manufacturing applications.  

                               LT-451 Dielectric Cure Monitor


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