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Viscometer, In-line Viscometer, HT/HP Rheometer, Consistometer, Interfacial Tension Tester

M9300 Foam Loop & Core Flow Tester

 Grace Instrument사 M9300 Foam Loop & Core Flow Tester 는 폼 루프 시스템 (foam loop system )과 성형 손상 평가 시스템 (formation damage evaluation system의 결합된 시스템입니다. 다양한 폼, 파쇄 유체, 드릴링 머드,  acid와  같은 유체로를 성형  코어에 주입한 후 고온 고압 환경에서 성형 코어에 대한 투과성 변화를 측정할 수 있습니다.


The M9300 can be operated in one of three modes:

  1. Foam Generation & Foam Loop system can be used for foam creation, rheology and quality evaluation (bubble size distribution, half-life and density, etc.).
  2. Formation Damage (core flow) system can be used for core fluid treatments and permeability analysis.
  3. Combined Foam Loop & Formation Damage system is capable of measuring dynamic leakoff of foam, damage to the formation, well stimulation effects of foam, and rheology of foam in porous media.

M9300 Foam Loop & Core Flow software:


  • Tests controlled and data recorded by computer
  • Data instantly exported into Microsoft Excel™


M9300 can also be built to custom specifications.

 M9300 Specifications

Foam Generation & Foam Loop System

Temperature Range: 70 °F to 350 °F
Operating Pressure: Atm to 5,000 psi
Flow Rate: 0 to 375 mL/min
Shear Rate:  0 to 1,500 S-1
Microscope Magnification: Quartz
Rheology Characterization: API standard rheological and shear history

Foam Density: 0.3 to 1.0 g/cm3 controllable

Half-life of Foam: 0 to 72 hr
Diameter of Visible Foam Bubble:: ≥1 μm

This system can test a foam fluid with a viscosity of 200 mPa.s with a maximum shear rate of 1,000 S-1


Formation Damage System

Temperature Range: 70 °F to 350 °F
Confining Pressure: Atm to 15,000 psi
Working Pressure: Atm to 10,000 psi
Flow Rate: 0 to 60 mL/min
Back Pressure: Atm to 10,000 psi



Combined Foam Loop & Formation Damage System

Temperature Range: 70 °F to 350 °F
Operating Pressure: Atm to 5,000 psi
Shear Rate: 0 to 1,500 S-1
Confining Pressure: Atm to 15,000 psi
Back Pressure: Atm to 10,000 psi

M9300 Foam Loop & Core Flow Tester
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