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Viscometer, In-line Viscometer, HT/HP Rheometer, Consistometer, Interfacial Tension Tester

M6550 Spinning Drop Tensiometer / Interfacial Surface Tension Tester (계면장력측정기) - Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Testing

HP/HT Interfacial Tension Measurement

                         M6550 Camera Imaging System

The Grace Instrument M6550 HPHT Spinning Drop Tensiometer measures low interfacial tension at elevated temperatures and pressures, set by the operator. The unit features a microscope that magnifies up to 25x with a numerical display resolution of 0.0001 mm, offering researchers the greatest measurement accuracy of any comparable device on the market today

High-resolution microscope for enhanced accuracy

The Grace Instrument M6550 HPHT Spinning Drop Tensiometer was developed for the measurement of interfacial tension, surface tension, absorption rate and extreme low interfacial tension. Excellent temperature control and optimum synchronization of the instrument allows the sample to be observed over a long period of time under constant conditions.

Light-weight and easy to handle
The M6550 is lightweight at only 40 lbs. and includes a level adjustment control with handles on its two sides. This allows the user to easily pick up, travel with, and/or manipulate the unit in order to reposition the test droplet quickly and efficiently.

                       M6550 HP/HT Pressure Vessel


  • Height: 20 in.
  • Width: 15 in.
  • Depth: 19 in.
  • Weight: 40 lbs.
  • Max Temperature: 350 °F
  • Max Pressure: 1,450 psi (with HP1 Option)





  • Measurement of extremely low interfacial surface tension
  • Accurate RTD temperature readout
  • Advanced PID temperature controller
  • Accurate speed controller ensures high image synchronization
  • High accuracy of reading with stroboscope illumination
  • LCD numerical display for integrated microscope
  • Light weight
  • Adjustable leveling
  • Optional chiller sleeve for low temperature applications
  • Optional digital camera imaging system (includes third-party PC software for data measurement and image processing)





20" height x 15" width x 19" depth


40 lb

Pressure Range:

Atmospheric to 1000 psi (~6.89 MPa) or 1450 psi (10 MPa) with HP1 Option

Temperature Range:

Ambient (45°F with chiller) to 350 °F

Speed Range:

0 to 11,000 rpm continuous

Surface Tension Measurement

10-6 to 10² mN/m

Capillary diameter:

2.0 mm

Microscope magnification:


LCD Numerical Display Resolution:

0.0001 mm


120V or 240V (with transformer)

Digital Camera Imaging System:

(Requires Microsoft Windows XP or later OS for operation)

Live Resolution:

2.0 MP

Optical Format:


Focusable Lens:

16 mm

M6550 Spinning Drop Tensiometer / Interfacial Surface Tension Tester (계면장력측정기) - Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Testing

HP/HT Interfacial Tension Measurement
The Grace Instrument M6550 HPHT Spinning Drop Tensiometer measures low interfacial tension at elevated temperatures and pressures, set by the operator. The unit features a microscope that magnifies up to 25x with a numerical display resolution of 0.0001 mm, offering researchers the greatest measurement accuracy of any comparable device on the market today

High-resolution microscope for enhanced accuracy
The Grace Instrument M6550 HPHT Spinning Drop Tensiometer was developed for the measurement of interfacial tension, surface tension, absorption rate and extreme low interfacial tension. Excellent temperature control and optimum synchronization of the instrument allows the sample to be observed over a long period of time under constant conditions.

Light-weight and easy to handle
The M6550 is lightweight at only 40 lbs. and includes a level adjustment control with handles on its two sides. This allows the user to easily pick up, travel with, and/or manipulate the unit in order to reposition the test droplet quickly and efficiently.


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