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Material Properties Analyzer

Tensile strength, Compressive strength, Flexural bending strength, Friction Scratch, Residual Stress

600 Series Servohydraulic Test Machines

Get our High Capacity Hydraulic Universal Test Machines

600 Series Servohydraulic Test Machines

The 600 Series Servohydraulic Test Machines are affordable solutions to the needs for tensile, compression, flexural bend and shear testing applications. With a large dual test space, this machine provides enough test space to test with large fixtures safely and efficiently. These high capacity test machines provide force capacities between 300 kN and 2 MN (67,500 lbf and 450 kip). 

These test machines are configured with an open-front hydraulic wedge action grip design to improve operator safety and throughput, and features a number of jaw faces to cover a large range of specimen sizes. 

Family Max Force Capacity Actuator Stroke Max Sample Thickness Max Sample Diameter
610 300 kN (67,500 lbf) 150 mm (6 in) 15 mm (0.6 in) 20 mm (0.78 in)
611 600 kN (135,000 lbf) 200 mm (8 in) 30 mm (1.25 in) 40 mm (1.58 in)
612 1,000 kN (225,000 lbf) 200 mm (8 in) 40 mm (1.58 in) 45 mm (1.75 in)
613 2,000 kN (450,000 lbf) 250 mm (10 in) 50 mm (2 in) 70 mm (2.75 in)
639 2,000 kN (450,000 lbf) Compression-Only System  


Top Features of The 600 Series

  • Dual test space design makes changing between tension and compression test setups safer and more efficient – eliminates need to remove heavy fixtures
  • Hydraulic wedge action tensile grips integrated into load frame crosshead with jaws.
  • Open front grip approach improves operator safety and throughput, and allows a small selection of grip jaws designed to cover a wide range of sample sizes
  • 100:1 Force range (i.e. use the load cell to 1% of capacity with no loss in accuracy)
  • Load accuracy 1% of indicated load
  • 1,000 Hz data acquisition rate
  • Digital position encoder
  • Constant speed, constant load rate, position and load control
  • Meets or exceeds national and international accuracy standards for materials testing systems
  • 12 month warranty


Step 1: Select Your Frame

610 Family

610 Family Servohydraulic Universal Test Machines

Type: Static Hydraulic
Force: 300 kN (67,500 lbf)

610 Family High Force Hydraulic Universal Test Machines are the best choice for performing static tension applications when high force capacity is needed, such as testing metals and metal products. 610 Family test machines feature capacities up to 300 kN  (67,500 lbf). 610 Family test machines also perform compressive, bend, fracture, and shear tests. The standard model features large diameter columns and rugged components for superior frame stiffness and durability.

611 Family

611 Family Servoydraulic Universal Test Machines

Type: Static Hydraulic
Force: 600 kN (135,000 lbf)

611 Family High Force Hydraulic Universal Test Machines are the best choice for performing static tension applications when high force capacity is needed, such as testing metals and metal products. 611 Family test machines feature capacities up to 600 kN (135,000 lbf). 611 Family test machines also perform compressive, bend, fracture, and shear tests. The standard model features large diameter columns and rugged components for superior frame stiffness and durability.



612 Family

612 Family Servohydraulic Universal Test Machines

Type: Static Hydraulic
Force: 1,000 kN (225,000 lbf)

612 Family High Force Hydraulic Universal Test Machines are the best choice for performing static tension applications when high force capacity is needed, such as testing metals and metal products. 612 Family test machines feature capacities up to 1,000 kN (225,000 lbf). 612 Family test machines also perform compressive, bend, fracture, and shear tests. The standard model features large diameter columns and rugged components for superior frame stiffness and durability.

613 Family

613 Family Servohydraulic Universal Test Machines

Type: Static Hydraulic
Force: 2,000 kN (450,000 lbf)

613 Family High Force Hydraulic Universal Test Machines are the best choice for performing static tension applications when high force capacity is needed, such as testing metals and metal products. 613 Family test machines feature capacities up to 2,000 kN (450,000 lbf). 613 Family test machines also perform compressive, bend, fracture, and shear tests. The standard model features large diameter columns and rugged components for superior frame stiffness and durability.


639 Family

639 Family Electrohydraulic Compression Test Machines

Type: Static Hydraulic
Force: 2,000 kN (450,000 lbf)

639 Family Compression Test Machines are the best choice for performing static compression applications when high force capacity is needed, such as metals, sand compaction (fracking), concrete, cubes, bricks, cylinders, asphalt, wood, components, soil specimens and much more. 639 Family test machines feature capacities up to 2 MN (450 kip). This test machine is configured to eliminate unnecessary features and provides the most affordable and easy to use option for many customers.


Step 2: Select Your Controller Software

Newton test machine controller

Choose From 190+ Pre-configured Software Solutions

Pre-configured solutions meet customer specifications and budget for a wide range of test applications. Industry standard-specific software modules, enhanced features and custom calculations are just a few of the options to choose from with Newton.


Step 3: Contact Us

Ready to configure your test machine?

Contact us to confirm your configuration, request prices, and place your order. 


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