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Element Analyzers

CHNS Analyzer, XRF, AES, OES, Spark-OES, AAS, AFS, ADX

SDFCl3000 Fluorine & Chlorine Analyzer (FCl 원소분석기)

SDFCl3000 FCl 원소분석기는 석탄 및 기타 가연성 물질의 불소 및 염소 함량을 측정하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.



  • Sample introduction, analysis, and calibration can be completed automatically.
  • Fluorine and chlorine test results can be obtained in single sample testing.
  • Configured condenser, no need water supply.
  • Sophisticated liquid collecting and sampling method,avoid the dead volume have influenced the test results.
  • With liquid condensation and temperature control technology,guarantee a uniform temperature during liquid collecting,decrease the impact of temperature difference on test results.





Test range                         

Fluorine: 10 ppm 〜 2000 ppm  

Chlorine: 30 ppm 〜 3000 ppm

Test time                  

Including calibration of electrode parameters, sample decomposition and collection, titration and clearning.       

Calibration of electrode

 Available to calibrate when decomposing the parameters first batch of samples and not calculated to total analysis time. Not necessary to calibrate each day, calibration be proceeded after long-time test. If electrode is not used for long   time, calibration is also needed.


30min approximately


5min approximately for fluorine;5min approximately for chlorine

Sample weight                

0.5 g

Temperature control precision   

1100 ±5℃

Max power                    

4 kW


Within uncertain region of standard sample


Fluorine: ASTM D5987, ISO 11724, AS 1038.10.4
Chlorine: ASTM D6721, ISO 587, SN/T 3596

SDFCl3000 Fluorine & Chlorine Analyzer


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