OES분석기 모델 EMIS-3는 흐르는 물에 있을 수 있는 다양한 원소이온에 대한 질량 농도를 측정하도록 고안되었습니다.
On-line flow analysis in aquatic environments
Simultaneous determination of different chemical elements
No sample preparation and additional reagents
분석기 작동의 원리는 측정될 물에 국부적인 방전을 (electric discharge)통해 검사중인 원소 원자의 emission radiation을 여기 한 다음 방사선 스펙트럼(radiation spectrum)을 기록하고 처리하는 데 기반합니다. 모든 원소의 방출 방사선(emission radiation line)의 강도는 분석된 물의 농도에 비례합니다.
Bourevestnik, JSC는 세계 최고의 분석계측기 설계 및 제조업체 중 하나로, 완전히 새로운 개발품인 Atomic Emission Spectral Analyzer – EMIS-3를 출시하였습니다.
EMIS-3은 Na, Mg, Ca, Al, K, Cu, Zn, Ba, Sr, Ag, Ni, Cd, Co, Pb 등 다양한 원소의 불순물을 포함하는 수생 환경(aquatic environment)의 정성적, 정량적 조성을 결정하도록 설계되었습니다. Bourevestnik의 과학적인 엔지니어링 잠재력은 고객의 필요에 따른 측정 원소 수를 늘릴 수 있도록 하였습니다.
Process Diagram
- 오라인으로 water flow 조성을 모니터링
- 싱글 측정 사이클로 여러 조성 동시 측정
- 천연수 및 음료수, 처리된 폐수의 샘플 전처리가 불 필요
- 하나의 컨트롤 유닛에서 여러 모니터링 지점에 대한 측정 일자 수집
- 워크 플레이스 조직을 위한 특이한 요구사항이 없습니다. (가스 공급, 환기 등)
- 간편한 분석기 유지 관리 및 제어
Scope of application: Ecology
- Nuclear, thermal energy and chemical industry (including direct and recycled water hardness control in the cooling circuits of nuclear reactors and various steam-powered electric power plants, heating and cooling systems, heat exchangers, etc.);
- In the technological process of the food industry (production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, baby food, dairy products, etc.);
- Environmental monitoring of the environment (natural, fresh and sea water, treated wastewater);
- Water hardness control in desalination plants, etc.
Analysis results are readout in real time on the integrated display and transmitted to the central control panel by Internet. Analyzer software interface “EMIS-3” allows evaluating chemical composition of the analyzed water in visual form.
Technical data
Elements under analysis |
Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, Ag, Cu, Zn, Mn, Li, Sr, Ni, Fe, Pb, Cd and other |
Limit of detection depending on element under analysis and object matrix, mg/dm3 |
0,005 (Cu) |
Average time of one measurement in continuous-flow system, sec |
60 sec |
Spectral range depending on set of analyzed elements, nm |
200 - 800 nm |
Water (sample) flowrate in flow cells, l/h |
0.8 l/h |
Power supply voltage (50 Hz), V |
220 VAC, 50Hz |
Power consumption, VA |
500 VA |
Weight, kg |
83 kg |

OES analyzer EMIS-3 is designed to measure the mass concentration of various element ions in water media in the flow.
Principle of analyzer operation is based on the excitation of emission radiation of atoms of chemical elements being under examination by means of local electric discharge in analized water with the subsequent recording and processing of radiation spectrum. Intensity of the emission radiation lines of any element is proportional to its concentration in analized water.
Bourevestnik, JSC being one of the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of the instrumentation is glad to present a completely new development - Atomic Emission Spectral Analyzer – EMIS-3.
EMIS-3 is designed to determine qualitative and quantitative composition of aquatic environments containing impurities of various elements: Na, Mg, Ca, Al, K, Cu, Zn, Ba, Sr, Ag, Ni, Cd, Co, Pb and others. Scientific and engineering potential of Bourevestnik, Inc. allows expanding a number of specified elements according to the needs of the customer.
On-line water flow composition monitoring;
Simultaneous determination of several components for a single measuring cycle;
No sample preparation for natural, drinking water and treated wastewater;
Ability to collect analytical dates from different monitoring points under the control of a single centre;
No specific requirements for workplace organization (gas supply, ventilation, etc.);
Easy maintenance and control of analyzer