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UV 광경화 시스템 (UV Curing Systems)

Spot curing, Flood curing, LED curing, Conveyor curing

UV Conveyor 40 - Dual Lamp Conveyor Curing System

  • 9 inch wide belt, 6 inch cure width
  • Intensity: 175 mW/cm2 UVA @ 3"
  • Variable speed, up to 12 ft/min - Digital speed display
  • Adjustable lamp height & full UV shielding
  • Dual spectrum lamp capable
  • Benchtop or w/ optional mounting stands


Uvitron UV 컨베이어 시스템은 길이가 긴 부품을 처리하거나 대량 생산에 이상적입니다. 컨베이어 벨트 속도는 디지털로 표시되며, 속도 조절이 가능하므로, 경화 량 (curing dose)을 정교하고 쉽게 제어 할 수 있습니다.


Product Summary  

The Uvitron UV Conveyor 40 is a bench-top or stand-mounted light curing conveyor system, designed for laboratory or high volume production applications. The conveyor features a quiet variable speed motor, with a velocity regulating drive that keeps the belt speed constant for varying loads. The system can be configured with single or dual high intensity lamp heads, which can be removed and reconfigured as stand mounted systems for increased versatility. The belt-to-lamp height can be easily adjusted from 1.5 to 5 inches, for improved compatibility with varying part sizes. The standard conveyor comes with two SunRay lamp heads, and can also be used with our higher power SkyRay LED systems, or with additional sidecure PortaRays for applications requiring full UV coverage.


UV Conveyor 40 Plus with sidecure
-​​​​ optional side-mounted PortaRay lamps
provide full UV coverage.
UV Conveyor 40 with SkyRays
- Dual spectrum capable 800W LED SkyRay systems available for high intensity precision UV applications



UV Conveyor 40, Energy vs. Belt Speed 

                                                     UV Energy vs. Belt Speed (400W)
                                                       UV Energy vs. Belt Speed (600W)









UV Conveyor adjustable lamp cover

Adjustable Lamp Height

Foldaway end covers provide quick access to height adjustment pins, which provide perfectly repeatable settings of lamp head to belt distance.


UV Conveyor adjustable end chute

Adjustable End Chute

The system has an adjustable position end chute for accumulating cured parts as they exit the conveyor.



0.5 to 12 Ft./min., >100 mW/cm2, Exposure: 1 lamp = 3.3-80 sec. (333-8,000mJ), 2 lamps = 6.65 to 160 sec. (665-16,000mJ).

UV Conveyor digital speed readout and E-stop switch


Digital Speed Readout & E-stop Switch

A digital rate meter accurately displays the conveyor's belt speed in feet per minute, allowing for repeatable curing time settings. An emergency stop switch provides for quick and safe shutdown of conveyor and lamps.


UV Conveyor removable lamp heads

Removable Lamp Heads

The system's dual lamp heads can be easily removed for bulb replacement and maintenance. The lamp heads can also be moved quickly from the conveyor to optional low cost shielded mounting stands. This feature allows for offline engineering process testing, and maximum equipment utilization.


UV Conveyor exhaust port

Exhaust Port

The light chamber has a top-mounted 3" diameter port, for optional venting to facility exhaust systems.


Dual Spectrum Capable

The UV Conveyor 40 dual lamp heads offer the unique curing advantage of mixing any of its 4 available lamp spectrum types. For instance, the conveyor's first lamp head can be fitted with a UVB lamp for sealing the surface, preventing oxygen from diffusing and causing surface tackiness. The second lamp can be a UVA type whose longer wavelengths penetrate more effectively, providing deeper curing. This method optimizes adhesive reaction speed without the need for expensive nitrogen purge or the delays of pulse curing.


Full UV Shielding

The conveyor light chamber is totally enclosed, shielding the operator and passer-bys from any UV light. The light chamber entrance and exit are protected by sliding tinted acrylic doors with extended hoods.


Optional Mounting Stands

The system may be configured with extruded aluminum height adjustable mounting stands. The stands have unique swivel support brackets that allow them to support inclined conveyors, as well as provide angular transitions between continuous conveyors.

UV Conveyor speed control


Other Options

The light chamber can be outfitted with various reflector, and lamp spectrum options. Other conveyor lengths are available as special order. Many accessories are also available for configuring the conveyor system into an automated assembly center: Over-belt counter tops, under-belt storage bins, walk-thru gate sections, 90º-turn wheels, end to end or end to side belt transition plates, product end stops, half stops, guide rails, photoelectric sensors, convenience outlets, remote foot pedals, etc.



System Type

Conveyor, variable speed

Part #

UV1052 (120VAC), UV0887 (240VAC)

Lamp Power

400 or 600 Watt

Input Voltage

100-120 or 200-240VAC ±10% ranges

Input Current (Max)

20 Amps @120V, 10 Amps @ 240V

Curing Energy

831 to 19950 mJ/cm(2 x 400W UVA)

Curing Width

6" exposure width, 9" max part width

Belt Width

9.0 inches

Belt Speed

0.5 to 12 feet/min

Lamp Height, Adjustable

1.5" to 5"


54” x 14” x 12”, 51 lbs.


System Part Numbers

Part No. Item Details Ordering
UV1052 UV Conveyor 40, 120VAC 50/60 Hz Bench-top variable speed conveyor (lamp heads and mounting stands sold separately). Includes adjustable end chute, power cord and manual

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UV0887 UV Conveyor 40, 240VAC 50/60 Hz Bench-top variable speed conveyor (lamp heads and mounting stands sold separately). Includes adjustable end chute, power cord and manual

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UV3028 UV Conveyor 40 Plus, 240VAC 50/60 Hz Bench-top variable speed conveyor with side cure (lamp heads and mounting stands sold separately). Includes adjustable end chute, power cord and manual

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Lamp Part Numbers

Part No. Lamp Power Item Details
UV0446 400W SunRay 400 Lamp Head, 120/240VAC, 50/60Hz Includes 400W UVA enhanced arc lamp, UV/IR protective glasses, power cord and manual (order 2 per system)
UV0830 600W SunRay 600 Lamp Head, 120/240VAC, 50/60Hz Includes 400W UVA enhanced arc lamp, UV/IR protective glasses, power cord and manual (order 2 per system)
UV3805 (365nm),
UV3153 (385nm),
UV3937 (395nm),
UV3896 (405nm)
800W SkyRay 800, Includes UV/IR protective glasses, power cord and manual Available with 365 nm, 385 nm, 395 nm or 405 nm LEDs. Includes UV/IR protective glasses, power cord and manual (order 2 per system)
UV2267 400W PortaRay 400 Lamp Head, 240VAC, parabolic reflector 50/60Hz, used for side cure with UV Conveyor 40 Plus (UV3028) Includes 400W UVA enhanced arc lamp, UV/IR protective glasses, power cord and manual (order 2 per system)


Accessories Part Numbers

Part No. Item Details
UV0886 Conveyor Mounting Stands, Adjustable Height (set of two) Extruded aluminum with swivel support brackets and adjustable leveler pads
(Multiple) Power cords Multiple types available
UV1450 Uvicure Plus II Integrating Radiometer UVA, UVB or Visible ranges, 10-10,000mW/cm2
UV0495 UV/IR Protective Safety Glasses OTG (fit over prescription eyewear), 3.0 shade
UV02231 UV/IR Protective Safety Glasses Sport contour, 3.0 shade
UV01889 UV Protective Face Shield Lift-up face shield ideal for maximum UV/Visible light protection, 4.0 shade
Replacement Parts:
UV0899 Replacement Chain Conveyor Belt High temperature polypropylene
UV0320 UVA Metal Halide Lamp 400W medium pressure
UV0544 UVB Enhanced Lamp 400W medium pressure
UV0489 Visible Metal Halide Lamp 400W medium pressure, 420nm
UV0545 Visible Metal Halide Lamp 400W medium pressure, 460nm


UV Conveyor 40 - Dual Lamp Conveyor Curing System
Conveyor 40 Brochure
Conveyor 40 Video
​​​​400W Intensity vs Height
600W Intensity vs Height


Uvitron International, Inc.
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