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Thermal Analyzers

ARC, Dielectric Cure Monitor (DEA), Plastic identification, Proximate analyzer, TGA

EV-ARC Accelerating Rate Calorimeter

영국 Thermal Hazard Technology (THT)사 ARC는 단열환경(Adiabatic condition)에서 대소형 배터리의 열안정성을 측정하기 위해 고안된 ARC로써  자동화된 Heat-Wait-Seek 작동 원리로 자가발열 (self-heat)과 exothermic onset을 정확하게 측정하는 가속속도열량계 입니다.  최소 0.001°C/min의 감도로 압력변화 및 전압, 전류변화를 동시에 측정하는  전세계 유일의 ARC입니다.

Pressurized canister inside
  • Extended volume calorimeter 
  • 전기자동차 용 중대형 배터리와 다양한 크기 형태의 배터리를 측정하도록 고안되었습니다.
  • 0.001°C 까지 온도조절이 간단한 탁월한 단열능력 (Unparelled Adiabaticity)
  • 단라시험, 과충전, 충방전 시험이 가능합니다. 
  • 측정조건 설정이 간단하며 짭은 setup 시간
  • PC Based processor를 장착하고 있어 data 기록 및 저장 속도가 빠릅니다.
  • 3단계의 안전장치로 안전한 실험 제공
  • 실험 종료 후 fume extraction 자동 실행
  • Low Phi, vent sizing, stirring, dosing, gas collection, cryogenic operation 등의 옵션 제공


To implement all of the tests with larger batteries, which can be carried out with small batteries using the esARC, THT developed the original EV-ARC in 1999.

For Charge / Discharge test

The EV calorimeter is necessary for larger batteries, modules and small packs, power tools, satellite, military and associated applications. The EV calorimeter is used when variation of heat release over surface area (MultiPoint measurement) is to measured and associated thermal management applications. The EV calorimeter is rugged and is sited in a secure Containment Vessel.

Within the containment vessel the standard ARC calorimeter (as in ES-ARC) can be used and this is regularly supplied for "Double Systems". Such a system gives versatility capable of measuring:- small prismatic, coin cell, 18650 and other larger batteries used in power applications.

With the EV system all safety tests can be carried out as well as Battery Performance studies.



The EV is an cylindrical calorimeter 25cm in diameter and 50cm depth.
Utilises the same electronics and software as the standard esARC, but with a larger calorimeter suitable for testing 18650 to large prismatic cells.

A larger and stronger blast box / containment vessel is supplied with built-in fume extraction.
The size of the containment vessel allows extra space for the incorporation of many options including heat capacity, multipoint option
for spatial temperature measurements, gas collection and controlled speed nail penetration.


Cell holding

Hardware Features & Performance

EV Calorimeter

  • 25cm diameter; 50cm depth
  • 20mm thick aluminium, 8 heaters, 6 measuring, control and safety thermocouples
  • Thermocouple resolution 0.001°C, Precision <0.2%, Accuracy 0.7%
  • Adiabatic Control to 0.01°C
  • Collar for large cable ingress
  • Pre-installed facilities for options

Temperature range
Ambient to 450°C temperature range (-40°C with liquid nitrogen flow option LNF)

Sensitivity (applicable to new calorimeters only)
Potential to achieve 0.02°C/min to 300°C

Pressure range 0-200 bar (or specify range to 700 bar with alternative transducers)
Resolution 0.005bar, Precision 0.02%, Accuracy 0.05%

Control Modes
Adiabatic; Ramping, Isothermal modes, True Isothermal, Isoperibolic, Step Isothermal.

0.57 cubic meter containment vessel (Blast Box);
6mm reinforced Steel, Proximity Switch, Door interlock;
Automated Fume Extraction facility

Sample Holders
Hastelloy, titanium, stainless steel, aluminium, glass, ARC bombs (9cm3), low phi bombs (65cm3) tube bombs (1cm3) special open or closed holders for any battery type.


Comparison of calorimeter


Customer support

Installation & training - 1 week, acceptance test

Support Guarantee 1 year, phone and email support over lifetime of instrument without charge

Part Supply 10 years guaranteed

Manuals Full operations and data analysis manuals with tutorials


Software & Computing Power

Controller Workstation; flat screen monitor, keyboard and mouse

Software Microsoft Windows, National Instruments

  • Labview control software ES-ARC
  • Labview; ARCes
  • Full on-the fly operation

Remote User facilities Worldwide remote command & operation of ARC using Terminal Services worldwide broadcast of data and status with WebBrowser software

Virtual Technician facility Set up unlimited runs and delay, sequence, perform all in one program

Data Analysis ARCCAL+

Allowing: raw data graphs, time to maximum rate, thermokinetic modelling, time to explosion; data conversion to units of enthalpy, power, gas generation
Multiple dataset analysis; 9 datasets in 1 project; 3 analyses, multiple merge graphs report generation in Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel or html
Tutorial for instruction of analysis

Options for battery applicaitons

CPU Automatic Specific Heat Measurement up to 120°C

FHU Air-shield mounted on inner blast box to provide improved extraction 

KSU Single Channel Battery Cycler – Customer specified voltage and current range

LNFO Liquid nitrogen flow for low temperature application, to -40°C start temperature

MPO Multipoint thermocouple for spatial distribution measurement

NPCO Automated Mechanical Abuse testing (Nail Penetration, Crush) up to 34kN force

NPCO-CS Automated Mechanical Abuse testing (Nail Penetration, Crush) up to 34kN force

RHA Switch operated lid lifting mechansim for EV and EV+

SSU Gas collection, 4 samples – automatic collection at any time, temp, pressure, 500ml collection vessel


Kits: Low cost add-ons designed to facilitate testing in specific fields

Battery Safety Kit 
For those working with own cycler and abuse tester +EV

Battery Abuse and Pressure Kit
Hardware add-ons to allow simulation of abuse tests



A full range of spares and consumables are available. Any user requiring more information please complete the request form.

Battery sample holders THT manufactures holders for specific batteries to enable testing in both open and closed (with pressure connections) modes. THT are able to manufacture special holders for any battery dependent on a specified minimum order. Please contact us with your specific requirements.


EV-ARC Calorimeter Chamber


EV-ARC Accelerating Rate Calorimeter

To implement all of the tests with larger batteries, which can be carried out with small batteries using the esARC, THT developed the original EV-ARC in 1999.
The EV calorimeter is necessary for larger batteries, modules and small packs, power tools, satellite, military and associated applications. The EV calorimeter is used when variation of heat release over surface area (MultiPoint measurement) is to measured and associated thermal management applications. The EV calorimeter is rugged and is sited in a secure Containment Vessel.
Within the containment vessel the standard ARC calorimeter (as in ES-ARC) can be used and this is regularly supplied for "Double Systems". Such a system gives versatility capable of measuring:- small prismatic, coin cell, 18650 and other larger batteries used in power applications.
With the EV system all safety tests can be carried out as well as Battery Performance studies.


Battery Calorimeter EVx Accelerating Rate Calorimeter To implement tests with larger batteries THT have developed the EVx ARC The EVx calorimeter is neces
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