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Qualitative & Quantitative Analyzer

HPLC+GC-MS Triple analyzer, GC-MS, LC-MS, IC, FTIR, XRD, UV/Vis Spectrometer

WQF-530 FT-IR Spectrometer, FTIR

FTIR의 연구개발과 제조에 30년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 BFRL은 완전히 독립적인 지적 재산권을 가진 새로운 형태의 FTIR 모델 WQF-530을 출시했습니다. 일관된 우수한 품질과 우수한 성능을 고수하는 새로운 이 모델은 지능성 있고 편리한 구동, 고급진 성능, 낮은 유지 보수 비용 모두에서 최상의 품질을 제공합니다. 기초 과학 연구 분석, 생산 품질 관리, 다양한 분야의 시험과 검출 성능이 뛰어난 제품입니다.

  • 높은 감도와 안정성
  • 기기 상태에 대한 실시간 인텔리전트 모니터링
  • 다양한 통신 옵션
  • 유연하고 편리한 테스트
  • 강력한 소프트웨어 워크스테이션


High sensitivity optical system

Cube-corner Michelson interferometer는 특허받은 고정 미러 정렬 기술(fixing mirror alignment assembly)과 결합하여 복잡한 전자 회로의 동적 정렬 (dynamic alignment) 없이도 장기간 안정성을 보장합니다. 반사 미러(reflecting mirror)는 최대 광 처리량을 제공하고 검출감도를 확보하도록 금으로 코팅됩니다.


High stability modular partition design

Cast aluminum 기반의 레이아웃과 함께 기계적 견고함과 파티션 heat dissipation의 전반적인 균형을 갖춘 컴팩트한 구조의 모듈식 디자인. 변형 저항 ( deformation resistance) 능력이 진동 및 열 변화에 덜 민감하여 기기의 기계적 안정성과 장기적인 안정성이 크게 향상되었습니다.


Intelligent multi-sealed moisture-proof design

Multiple sealed interferometer, 투시 창과 쉬운 교체 구조를 가진 대용량 desiccant cartridge, 간섭계 (interferometer) 내부의 온습도 실시간 모니터링, 여러면에서 광학 시스템에 대한 고온, 고습 및 화학적 부식의 영향을 제거합니다.


Innovated integration electronic system

고감도 통합 DLATGS 검출기 pre-amplifier technology, dynamic gain amplification technology, 고정밀 24비트 A/D 변환 기술, 실시간 제어 및 데이터 처리 기술, 디지털 필터 및 네트워크 통신 기술, 고품질 실시간 데이터 수집 보장 및 고속 전송.


Good anti-electromagnetic interference capability

CE 인증 및 전자기 호환성 요구 사항을 충족하도록 설계되었으며, 친환경 기기 설계 개념에 따라 설계 및 기술에서 전자파 방사를 최소화합니다.


High intensity IR source assembly

가장 높은 에너지가 분포된 고강도, 긴 수명의 IR 소스 모듈은 균일하고 안정적인 IR를 얻도록 반사구 디자인(reflex sphere design)을 채택하였습니다. 외부 절연 IR 소스 모듈과 넓은 공간의 방열 챔버 설계는 더 높은 열 안정성과 안정적인 광학 간섭을 제공합니다.


The sampling compartment, reserving accessory mounting holes on the base plate, is wide enough for various accessories such as Defused/Specular Reflection, ATR, Liquid cell, Gas cell, and IR microscope etc.



Diffuse/Specular Reflectance Accessory

It is versatile diffuse reflectance and specular reflectance accessory. Diffuse reflection mode is used for transparent and powder sample analysis. Specular reflection mode is used for transparent and powder sample analysis. Specular reflection mode is for measuring smooth reflective surface and coating surface.

  • High light throughput
  • Easy operation, no internal adjustment needed
  • Optical aberration compensation
  • Small light spot, able to measure micro samples
  • Variable angle of incidence
  • Fast charge of powder cup


Horizontal ATR /Variable Angle ATR (30°~ 60°)

Horizontal ATR is suitable for the analysis of rubber, viscous liquid, are surface sample and pliable solids etc. Variable angle ATR is used for measurement or films, painting (coating) layers and gels etc.

  • Easy installation and operation
  • High light throughput
  • Variable depth of IR penetration


IR Microscope

  • Micro samples analysis, minimum sample size: 100 micrometer (DTGS detector) and 20 micrometer (MCT detector)
  • Non-destructive sample analysis
  • Translucent sample analysis
  • Two measurement methods: transmission and reflection
  • Easy sample preparation


Single Reflection ATR

It provides high throughput when measuring materials with high absorption, such as polymer, rubber, lacquer, fiber etc.

  • High throughput
  • Easy operation and high analytical efficiency
  • ZnSe, Diamond, AMTIR, Ge and Si crystal plate can be selected according to application


Accessory for Determination of Hydroxyl in IR Quartz

  • Fast, convenient and accurate measurement of Hydroxyl content in IR quartz
  • Direct measurement to IR quartz tube, no need to cut samples  
  • Accuracy: s Ix10-6 (s I ppm)


Accessory for Oxygen and Carbon in Silicon Crystal Determination

  • Special silicon plate holder
  • Automatic, fast and accurate measurement of oxygen and carbon in silicon crystal
  • Lower detection limit: 1.0 x 101 6 cm-3 (at room temperature)  
  • Silicon plate thickness: 0.4—4.0 mm


Si02 Powder Dust Monitoring Accessory

  • Special Si02 powder dust monitoring software
  • Fast and accurate measurement of Si02 powder dust


Component Testing Accessory

Fast and accurate measurement of the response of such components as MCT, lnSb and PbS etc.

Curve, peak wavelength, stop wavelength and D* etc can be presented.


Optic Fiber testing Accessory

  • Easy and accurate measurement of the loss rate of IR optic fiber, overcoming the difficulties for fiber testing, since they are very thin, with very small light-passing holes and uneasy to fix.


Jewelry Inspection Accessory

  •  Accurate identification of jewelries.


Universal Accessories

  • Fixed liquid cells and demountable liquid cells
  • Gas cells with different pathlength




Cube-corner Michelson interferometer

Beam splitter

Multilayer Ge coated KBr


Room temperature DLATGS module (standard),

Temperature stabilized, high sensitivity DLATGS module (optional)

IR Source

High intensity, long lifetime, air-cooled IR source

Wavenumber Range



0.85 cm-1

Signal to noise ratio

Better than 20,000:1

(RMS value, at 2100cm-1 ~ 2000cm-1 or 2100cm-1 ~ 2200cm-1, resolution: 4cm-1, detector: DLATGS, 1 minute data collection)

Wavenumber Accuracy

±0.01 cm-1

Scanning Speed

Microprocessor control, different scanning speed selectable.


Main FTOS Suite software workstation, compatible to all version Windows OS,

Various specialized functional software modules (optional) 


Ethernet interface (standard), WIFI wireless communication (optional)

Data Output

Standard data format, report generation and output

Status Diagnosis

Power on self check, real-time temperature and humidity monitoring and reminders


FDA 21 CFR Part11 compliance,IQ/OQ/PQ(Optional)

Environment Conditions

Temperature: 10℃~30℃, Humidity: less than 70%

Power Supply

220VAC ±10%, 50 Hz ±1 Hz

Dimensions & Weight

520 x 435 x 255mm, 24kg


Transmission sample holder (Standard), 

Optional accessories such as gas cell, liquid cell, Defused/Specular Reflection, single/multi reflection ATR, etc. 


Based on more than thirty years experience in FTIR R&D and manufacturing, BFRL has launched a new type FTIR Spectrometer WQF-530 with fully independent intellectual property rights.  Adhering to consistent excellent quality and superior performance, the new model obtains the best balance between intelligence and convenient operation, advance performance and low operation and maintenance cost.  It is a good choice for basic science research analysis, production quality control,testing and detection in various fields.

High sensitivity optical system
Cube-corner Michelson interferometer combined with patented fixing mirror alignment technology(Utility model ZL 2013 2 0099730.2:fixing mirror alignment assembly),to ensure long term stability, without the need of dynamic alignment which needs extra complicated electronic circuits.  Reflecting mirrors are coated with gold to provide the maximum light throughput and ensure the detection sensitivity.
High stability modular partition design
Compact structure modular design with layout on cast aluminum base and overall balance of mechanical robustness and partition heat dissipation, offering higher ability of deformation resistance and less sensitive to vibrations and thermal variations, greatly improves the mechanical stability and long term working stability of the instrument.
Intelligent multi-sealed moisture-proof design
Multiple sealed interferometer, large-capacity desiccant cartridge with visible window and easy replacement structure, real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity inside the interferometer, getting rid of influences of high temperature, high humidity and chemical corrosions to the optical system in many ways.
Innovated integration electronic system
High sensitivity integrated DLATGS detector pre-amplifier technology, dynamic gain amplification technology, high precision 24-bit A/D conversion technology, real-time control and data processing technology, digital filter and network communication technology, ensuring high quality real-time data collection and high-speed transmission.
Good anti-electromagnetic interference capability
The electronic system is designed to meet CE certification and electromagnetic compatibility requirements, minimizing electromagnetic radiation in design and technology,in line with green instrument designing concept.  
High intensity IR source assembly
High intensity, long lifetime IR source module, with the highest energy distributed in fingerprint region, adopts a reflex sphere design to obtain even and stable IR radiation.  External isolated IR source module and large space heat dissipation chamber design provide higher thermal stability and stable optical interference.



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