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Bomb Calorimeter, Micro Reaction Calorimeter
Isothermal Titration Calorimeter, Cement Calorimeter, Bio Calorimeter
IBC Isothermal Battery Calorimeter

IBC 등온 배터리열량계 - µBC - micro Battery Calorimeter (Isothermal Battery Calorimeter Cell format: Coin Cell)

µBC - micro Battery Calorimeter

Measure heat release under isothermal conditions during charge/discharge protocols. Designed for coin cells up to 30mm x 6mm.


The µBC provides accurate and easy testing of heat output from charging and discharging a single battery. The instrumnet is provided with an integrated cycler: 10V, 0.1mA-100mA.

Heat occurring during the charging and discharging of batteries is largely due to their internal impedance. Characterisation of this heat at different operating temperatures is vital for efficient thermal mangement of cells in packs or modules.

Isothermal calorimeters have higher sensitivity that adiabatic calorimeters. Their temperature range is limited and they are not appropriate for safety abuse testing when battery disintegration or high temperatures may result.


Cell format: Coin Cell

  • Sample and Reference chambers up to 30mm x 6mm
  • Temperature range: -5°C to 80°C
  • Integrated cycler: 10V; 0.1mA - 100mA
  • Dynamic range: up to 700mW



  • Accurate heat measurement down to 50µW
  • Suitable for heat capacity measurement, cycling and isothermal tests
  • Small footprint, no ancillary cooling equipment required
  • Windows based control software, USB connection

Revision Date: 18/05/2022




Max Temperature (°C) 80°C
Min Temperature (°C) -20°C
Measurement Principle Power compensation
Refrigerated recirculator required No
Calorimeter chamber diameter (mm) 30 mm
Calorimeter chamber depth (mm) 6 mm
Number of sample chambers 1
Number of reference chambers 1
RMS Noise, under controlled ambient conditions +/- 5µW
Max heat detection 700mW
Sensitivity 50µW
Inegrated Cycler Yes
Heat capacity measurement capability Yes
Footprint (Width x Height x Depth) 20 x 19.5 x 36 cm

*Specification above subject to change


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