Whilst the central aim of the Accelerating Rate Calorimeter is to give an accurate simulation of an exothermic reaction from a single experiment, often full information on a possible runaway of desired or undesired reactions cannot be obtained by just this test. To define the safety of a material or process more information is needed.
Further information is required, this may be by further testing or by e.g. literature searches or computer simulations. A structured, integrated test programme is a useful basis for a safety evaluation of any material, its processing, storage or transportation. Many such schemes have been devised and many published. They are referenced here and not further discussed. However there is a common theme:
Literature study - determination of known, published hazards, information from
manufacturers, on line searches, databases, definitive text books.
전문은 첨부된 "기초자료"를 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.
ARC Technical Information Sheet No. 30, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK