Accelerating Rate Calorimeter and Options Overview and Current Status (last modified, March 1999)
The Thermal Hazard Technology Accelerating Rate Calorimeter is the second generation Accelerating Rate Calorimeter system. The current development team incorporate over 50 man years of experience, part of this the experiences of the original CSI International Office staff. The THT instrument was developed in principle on basis of Continuity, Enhancement and Expansion:
(1) Continuity
The THT Accelerating Rate Calorimeter is designed to perform in an identical manner as the original CSI system, ensuring data continuity and direct comparison with original system data. Many of the control algorithms have been retained and improved upon, such that for an identical sample and identical test setup parameters, the data sets from the original CSI system and the THT system are almost indistinguishable.
The THT instrument on the other hand is designed to operate at sensitivities down to 0.005°C/min, and has an identical operating range as the original system. This ‘continuity’ aspect has been proven using ‘standard’ samples – request data from THT.
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ARC Technical Information Sheet No. 50, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK
검색 결과 31건
- 분류 : 가속속도열량계