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Stelios Mores & Martyn Ottaway

Thermal Hazard Technology, 1 North House, Bond Avenue, Bletchley MK1 1SW, England.

The first purpose-designed instruments for the evaluation of reactive chemicals were originally devised in the 1970’s. These were required by the major Chemical Processing Industries due to the rapid diversification of chemical species being manufactured - and their reactivity or the hazard that was associated in their processing. The safety issue often arose since the processing reaction was exothermic (i.e. with release of heat) or the chemical itself might decompose exothermically at a rather low temperature.

전문은 첨부된 "기초자료"를 다운로드 하셔서 열람하세요.

ARC Technical Information Sheet No. 61, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK

검색 결과 31건

  • 분류 : 가속속도열량계