All types of preconditioned and predrilled septa are available for all injectors
Premium Septa - are preconditioned and packed in glass jars. Premium Septa generally have much lower bleed than general purpose septa.
CenterGuideTM Septa for Improved Performance
• Center point guides the needle for easy penetration
• Reduce needle bending
• Precision molding assures accurate fit
• Available in selected sizes of our premium septa
Precision-molded septa have a recess on the injection side, to guide the syringe needle to the same point with every injection. The CenterGuide design requires less force for initial penetration, for a smoother feel. Septum life may be enhanced in some applications by minimizing tearing and coring.
Upper Temperature Limit -Septa BTO, Marathon and Advanced Green 3 can be used at 400°C and higher injector set point temperatures in most instruments. Slight sticking may occur in new injection ports when holding septa above 300°C over periods of many days.