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Accessories and Consumables

For maintenance and repair service


GC, HPLC and MS Maintenance

연진에스텍 2020-08-10 17:41:27 846

Full range of KONIK Spare kits for KONIK GCs 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000, KONIK GC-MS Q12 and Q2, KONIK HPLC 500 A,B,C and KONIK HPLC 560, 580, and 600, as well as KONIK IC 590 Plus.


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Regular preventive maintenance is essential for a proper operation. Regular preventive maintenance will increase the life of the instrument, result in maximum uptime, and provide you with optimum performance. Maintenance procedures are extensively covered in the User's Manuals. The Spares Parts KITs (optional) contain the consumables and spares parts needed in the basic maintenance of the GIBNIK systems for one year. Keeping these parts on hand can reduce system downtime related to instrument maintenance and repair. Please, contact your local GIBNIK Distributor for any assistance or requirements of further supplies.

• GIBNIK HRGC Spares Kit

• GIBNIK MS Spares Kit

• GIBNIK HPLC Spares Kit
