GIBNIK carries a line of products for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) use including Analytical, Microbore, Ultrafast, and Preparative of different length, diameters, and packings (Nucleosil, Partisil, Lichorsphere,…). We offer standard columns, replaceable cartridges with our Kwik-Snap® fittings, with it own low dead volume pre-columns, and guaranteed columns compliant to pharmacopeia methods
Analytical Columns
To get HPLC columns with maximum effi ciency and peak symmetry, GIBNIK uses tubing and connections designed and fully optimized to provide you superior performance than achievable with columns from the major manufacturers.
Microbore Columns
Low dispersion Chromatography
These columns of 2 and 3 mm of internal diameter, packed with the same packing than 3 and 5 µm analytical column, contribute to an important solvent saving and at the time a detectability considerable increase.
Sensibility of detection
Since the detectability depends on the grade of dilution of the sample while it passes through the column, a reduction of the internal diameter of the column redounds directly in a minor dilution and therefore in an increment of the detection sensibility.
Solvent Saving
The same chromatogram obtained with a conventional 4,6 mm ID column working at 2 mL/min can be obtained with a flow of 0,4 mL/min when it is worked with a 2,1 mm ID microbore column. This represents a 80 % saving of the eluyent wasted in HPLC, which means that for a standard job in a chromatograph will represent a saving of 15 liters of solvent.