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Flexural bending test fixtures

ASTM C1499 Ring on Ring Flexural Fixture Ceramics | GC1499-747

연진에스텍 2020-04-20 20:07:14 1093
Model# GC1499-747


GC1499-747 is designed to be used with a universal compression testing machine to determine the flexural strength of advanced ceramics, as specified by ASTM C1499. ASTM requires that the fixture used in this test be parallel to within 0.05mm. The fixture rings have a hardness of at least 40 HRC. The diameter of the ring fixture depend on the size of the test specimen. ASTM C1499 defines the specific diameter that should be used for the loading ring and the support ring. Reference ASTM Standard C1499, 2003, Standard Test Method for Monotonic Equibiaxial Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003. Note: Optional adapters or mechanical connections available

