RSD는 발열성 위험요소(exothermic hazards)를 검출하기 위한 열유속-과도열축적(heat flow-transient heat accumulation) 열량계(RPmC)로써 분해가스에 의한 부분압과 반응 또는 전이에 의한 시차열을 측정하는 쾌속 반응안정성 측정 열량계 입니다. 이 기술의 핵심은 열전달계수 이며 열적으로 위험성 있는 많은 시료의 특성을 신속하게 분석하는데 매우 유용한 저렴하고 편리한 기기입니다.
Rapid Screening Device - RSD™
A cost-effective calorimeter for screening samples for exothermic reaction hazards
THT RSD™ (Rapid Screening Device) low cost, versatile, and flexible, safety calorimeter for thermal and pressure hazard determination over a wide temperature range. Using temperature ramp methods with isothermal soak options this new system utilises unique technologies to quickly obtain temperature, pressure and heat of reaction data.
- Multiple samples (up to 6 simultaneously)
- Pressure & temperature differential measurement (simultaneously)
- 10 mg to 100 g sample
- 30 minute test time
- High sensitivity (detects 1% DTBP in toluene)
- Thermo-kinetic quantitative data analysis
- Glass, metal, reusable sample chambers
THT provide a range of inexpensive options to enhance performance

- Temperature Range: -140 °C to 400 °C
- Temperature Resolution: 0.01°C
- Mode of operation: Isothermal or Scanning
- Scan Rate: Isothermal - 10 °C/min
- Detection Sensitivity: less than 10 J/g
- Pressure Range: 0-160 bar (alternative ranges available)
- Pressure Resolution: 0.01 bar
- Sample Size: 0-100 g or ml
- Sample quantity: 1 -6 samples
- Stirring: Up to 2000 rpm
- Software: Dedicated Windows based control and data analysis software through serial link to PC
- PC Requirements: Windows 7, 10
- Footprint: 70 cm x 43 cm x 40 cm
- Power supply: 220VAC, Single phase
A full range of spares and consumables are available from our Accessories and Consumables List
The RSD allows operation with inexpensive pressure transducers in the range up to 160 bar. The sample containers range from disposable HPLC vials through metal tubes ARC bombs for screw top cylinders holders that can take internal support.
Other spares include sample holder heads and miscellaneous low cost consumables.