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Thermal Properties Analyzer

Thermal conductivity (Lambda), Ash fusion, Thermal screening

Microscopic Hot/Cold Stage, Wafer chuck, Thermal plate, Thermal probe station

CLM77Ki Specialty Stage


  • For correlative cryo-light (inverted) and cryo-electron microscopy (CLEM)
  • -190°C - 120°C with resistive heating and liquid nitrogen cooling option
  • Grid holder allows nine EM grids, 3 mm round, to be imaged via bright field and fluorescence light microscopy to improve productivity
  • Grid holder designed for vitreous operation and transfer far below the amorphous ice phase transition temperature



Instec's CLM77Ki is a specialized stage designed for use on any uinverted microscope for correlative cryo-light and cryo-electron microscopy (CLEM). The specially designed grid holder allows up to nine 3 mm EM grids to be images via bright field and flourescence light microscopy for determination of regions and/or cellular events of interest for later observation in the electron microscope. The grid holder is designed to keep the grids vitreous - well below the amorphous ice phase transition temperature - during tranfer of grids into the grid holder and then into the CLM77Ki stage. To eliminate frost build-up on samples, the chamber can be gas purged and the grid holder has an integrated slide cover that is closed during transfer from liquid nitrogen into the CLM77Ki chamber.


Thermal Features

Temperature Control

mK2000 with programmable precision switching PID method

Thermal Block

Black anodized aluminum body

Sample Thermal Cover

Integrated slide cover on grid holder to eliminate moisture  condensation on samples

Temperature Minimum

-190°C (with optional liquid N2 cooling)

Temperature Maximum


Temperature Sensor

100 Ω Platinum RTD

Maximum Heating Rate

+60°C per minute at 100°C

Maximum Cooling Rate

-50°C per minute at 100°C

Minimum Heating and Cooling Rate

±0.01°C per minute

Temperature Resolution


Temperature Stability

±0.05°C (above 25°C), ±0.1°C (below 25°C)

Power Supply

Universal power input


Windows software to record and export temperature-time data


Optical Features

Optical Access

Reflection and transmission capability

Optical Windows

Removable and exchangeable windows permit full-spectrum  transparency

Minimum Objective Working Distance

5.0 mm

Minimum Condenser Working Distance

19.3 mm

Top Aperture

19 mm diameter

Top Viewing Angle

±17.61° from normal

Transmission Aperture

2 mm diameter

Bottom Aperture

46 mm diameter(9x)

Bottom Viewing Angle

±51.34° from normal

Window Defrost

Integrated external window defrost


Structural features

Sample Area

Holds 9 grids of 3mm in diameter

Grid Height

0.20 mm

Sample Loading

Quick sample handling with side-loading/unloading holder

Frame Cooling

Integrated frame cooling with optional chiller system


Horizontal mounting capability

Frame Dimensions

160.8 mm x 109.8 mm x 26 mm


1300 g


Instec, Inc. USA
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