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Online Analyzers

Acidity, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Carbonate, Chloride, Chlorine, Chromium VI (ppb), Total Chromium, Free Copper Cyanide

Total Cyanide, Fluoride, Water Hardness, Hypophosphite, Iron, Electroless Nickel, Peroxide, pH (auto calibrated), Phenol

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L360 Phenol Analyzer 온라인 페놀분석기

Liquid Analysis Systems’ L360 series chemical analyzers perform online sampling and analysis. The L360 is optimized for ease of use, low maintenance, and minimum operating cost.


  • Auto sample preparation, extraction, and measurement
  • Result range and trend check
  • Auto check of reagents and sensor
  • Output options for reporting and alarming



  •  Multi-stream analysis
  •  Grab sample or standards ports
  •  Replenishment and dosing controls
  •  Windows™ PC software for process supervision and analysis configuration


L360 Phenol Analyzer 

 The L360 analyzer measures phenol in process streams by means of color measurement at 600nm after auto-extraction into chloroform using a V-HDPBA chelatordye complex. All aspects are automated, including sampling, reagent addition, extraction, blank subtraction, and measurement. The method is optimized specifically for wastewater measurement by the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University in Raipur, India and Technical University Darmstadt in Darmstadt, Germany. It is faster and more specific method than the commonly used amino antipyrine method. However, since it is not yet incorporated into standard EPA methods, it should be checked against such at regular intervals.

L360 Phenol analyzer has configuration of Base model with single stream inlet, standard inlet, precision burette for sample and reagents, process alarm relay, Modbus i/o .



  • AV Auto validation with reporting and alarming
  • DI Digital input for remote control of analyses
  • ER Extended analysis range. For analyses beyond standard ranges.
  • PCS Windows™ process overview and analysis configuration software
  • SA–n Multi-stream sampling, n = number of streams.
  • SB Sample strainer with auto backflush. For particulate  more than 20μm.
  • SK Spares kit (basic and extended versions available) SP Sample pump. For unpressurized samples.



Method Color measurement at 600nm after auto-extraction via VHDPBA dye complex into chloroform.
Ranges 0.1 to 3.0 ppm. Other upon request.
Repeatability(1) 5% of range
Cycle time(1) Typically 5 minutes per replicate per stream
Stability Drift less than 2.5% / yr
Reagent consumption(1) 0.2 to 2.0 ml/test
Power required 100 to 240 VAC, 1A
Sample streams Standard:1 Optional: 2
Sample conditions(2) 0.15 to 0.5 bar, less than 25 µm particulate, 10 to 50 °C
Drain Vented/non-pressurized
Water, DI Not required except for high ranges for auto dilution
Enclosure 40 x 35 x 20 cm, wall mount, NEMA 4X/IP65
Interface 10 cm color touchscreen. Option: backlit for outdoor
Output options Modbus, process alarm dry relay

Specifications subject to change.

(1) Dependent upon range, speed, and replicate settings.

(2) Consult LAS for conditions outside these limits.


Liquid Analysis Systems, Inc. USA
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