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Fire & Exothermic Properties Testing Equipment

Fire Resistance, Flammability, Flame Spread, Ignitability, Heat Release, Reaction to Fire, Smoke Density, Toxicity

ABL Friction, MBOM Impact, ABL ESD, Koenen, Time-Pressure

Glow Wire Tester

IEC 60695-2-10, ASTM D6194, UL746A


The test equipment is used to investigate the fire-resistant properties of raw materials and finished components. Our test apparatus has been ergonomically designed to meet the above EN and IEC standards.

The glow-wire itself is the source of the fire. The initial temperature of the glow-wire is set and controlled by a temperature programmer. During a test, the temperature controller can be switched to manual mode to produce a constant voltage signal to the glow-wire, thus avoiding the sample to a variation in output power, which would otherwise be feedback from the control thermocouple.


Specification & Features

  • Test apparatus conveniently mounted on control panel
  • Glow-wire probe as per standard
  • Stainless steel specimen holder
  • Temperature controller with constant voltage output with control optimisation
  • Linear drive with defined velocity

The temperature of the glow-wire can be set from room temperature to 1000°C.

The temperature of the glow-wire is detected by a sheathed thermocouple type K (class 1) in accordance with IEC 60584-2.

During the test the specimen is moved towards the glow-wire at a constant velocity of 11 mm/sec and then back again.

The heating time of 30 seconds is quartz controlled.

The specimen support is pulled toward the glow-wire with a force of 1 N.


Technical Data & Requirements

  • Test apparatus conveniently mounted on control panel
  • The power supply is 230 VAC ± 10% (50 Hz)


Glow Wire Tester


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Ignitability Glow Wire Tester IEC 60695-2-10, ASTM D6194, UL746A The test equipment is used to investigate the fire-resistant prop
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