I-Cal 2000 HPC ("High Precision Calorimeter")는 2 채널 등온열량계 (Isothermal Calorimeter) 입니다. 다른 모든 Calmetrix I-Cal HPC 등온열량계 모델과 마찬가지로 I-Cal 2000 HPC는 최대 125ml의 샘플 량을 측정에 사용하며, 콘크리트 특성에 대한 R&D와 검사 업무는 물론 시멘트, 콘크리트 생산 시 일상의 QC 요구 사항을 포함하여 다양한 분야에 응용할 수 있습니다. 가변 기준 셀 (reference cell)을 사용하므로 I-Cal 2000 HPC는 시멘트 또는 모르타르, 실 콘크리트 등 다양한 유형의 재료와 샘플량을 처리하는 다목적기기입니다.
I-Cal 2000 HPC는 최대 28 일의 장시간 시멘트 수화 (cement hydration) 테스트에 적합합니다.
I-Cal 2000 HPC는,
- ASTM C1679 ("Standard Practice for Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorimetry")
- ASTM C1702 ("Standard Test Method for Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cementitious Materials Using Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry")에 완전히 부합합니다.
Just like for other Calmetrix I-Cal calorimeters, the ambient temperature around the samples is computer-controlled by Calmetrix's software interface, with precision sensors measuring the heat flow generated by the cement hydration reaction. But I-Cal 2000 HPC distinguishes itself by its clever design to minimize sensitivity to outside conditions. This means more consistent results, but also a robust performance even in a non-air conditioned environment, a definitive benefit in terms of reproducibility, and cost savings for field laboratories or rooms that are not tightly air-conditioned. Furthermore, I-Cal 2000 HPC's two active sample cells are not in contact with each other, thereby keeping cross-talk below 0.1%.
2 active sample channels
ASTM C1702 compatible
High temperature testing (upto 50 °C)
Variable reference cells
Test duration up to 28 days
Minimal cross talk (separate sample cells)
Calmetrix 등온열량계 (Isothermal Calorimeter) 시리즈는 온도제어장치와 열유속(Heat Flow) 측정 센서를 내장하고 있으며, 최대 125 ml 의 샘플 측정이 가능한 2개, 4개 또는 8개 채널로 운영됩니다. I-Cal HPC 시리즈는 표준 시험 방법인 ASTM C1679 ("Standard Practice for Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorimetry") 및 ASTM C 1702와 완전히 부합합니다.
I-Cal 기기의 전용 소프트웨어인 Calmetrix's Calcommander를 이용하여 샘플 주변 온도를 조절하며 데이터 분석 및 보고서 생성과 같은 분석도 가능할 뿐만 아니라, 압축강도를 예측하거나 활성화 에너지를 구하고 아레니우스 곡선을 생성해 낼 수도 있습니다. I-Cal HPC 시리즈는 I-Cal 시리즈의 High Precision 버전입니다.
I-Cal 2000 HPC is well adapted for applications in R&D and Investigative work on cement and concrete properties, as well as daily QC needs in cement and concrete production. Typical uses are:
- heat of hydration measurement as per ASTM C1702
- detection of potential material incompatibility (between cement and admixtures, etc.)
- sulfate optimization
- sensitivity tests on variations in admixture or other material content
- estimation of compressive strength using heat of hydration curves
- determination of activation energy for thermal crack prediction
- sensitivity tests on temperature variations
- mix design optimization and statistical performance analysis?
- test temperatures of more than 50 °C (up to 70 °C), e.g. for studies of delayed ettringite formation
- characterization of supplementary cementitious materials
- long term studies (curing times up to 28 days)
When to consider an I-Cal 2000 HPC:
I-Cal 2000 HPC is the right isothermal calorimeter for experiments that have the following characteristics:
curing at any temperaure, and up to 70 °C when needed
test durations of any length up to 28 days
Heat of hydration testing as per ASTM C1702
high precision studies with need for best signal/nose ratio (minimum cross-talk)