Burst / Puncture test fixtures
ASTM F1342 Puncture Fixture for Protective Clothing Material | GF1342-174A

Model# | GF1342-174A |
The GF1342-174A puncture fixture meets the requirements of ASTM F1342 for testing the puncture resistance of protective clothing materials by test method A. The puncture probe has dimensions of 2.03 mm width, 50 mm length, and 3.53 mm long tip with 0.25 mm radius and 26 degree taper. As specified in the standard, specimen support plates have a 6.4 mm puncture guide hole and the assembly base depth of 165 mm allows the required 25 mm travel distance. Reference ASTM Standard F 1342, 2005, Standard Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Puncture, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2005.
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Burst / Puncture test fixturesASTM F1342 Puncture Fixture for Protective Clothing Material | GF1342-174A
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