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Peel test fixtures

ASTM D3167 Roller Drum Peel Test Fixture | GD3167-105

연진에스텍 2020-06-25 14:35:05 1364


Model# GD3167-105
Force 10 kN (2,250 lbf)
Diameter 25 mm (1 in)
Sample Width 25.4 mm (1 in)

ASTM D3167 specifies test fixtures for the roller peel resistance of adhesives and GD3167-105 fixture meets these requirements This standard gives detailed dimensions of a suitable roller drum peel test fixture for use with testing adhesives. As specified in the standard, the grips are of the self aligning type and the grips engage the outer 1 inch of the flexible adhesive when the load is applied.

Reference: ASTM Standard D3167, 2003, D3167 Standard Test Method for Floating Roller Peel Resistance of Adhesives, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2007


  • Designed to meet the ASTM D3167 requirements
  • Tests at a 65 degree angle over a 25 mm (1 in) diameter roller
  • 25.4 mm (1 in) wide rollers





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