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Software Update

Spray analysis software

Have you ever wondered what form the spray or aerosol you produce actually is? For many reasons, metered dose inhalers (MDIs), dry powder inhalers (DPIs), nasal sprays, and fuel injectors need to be characterized. The characteristic analyzes are the angle of the cone / geometry of the feather, the shape of the spray, ellipticity, the duration of the spraying, its evolution over time, the density of the spray, etc. These elements are most of the time those necessary to pass technical and regulatory standards.

Envision Patternate software for non-intrusive spray analysis, automatic spray pattern, and geormetry, is suitable for the characterization of a wide range of liquid aerosols, including metered-dose inhalers, nasal devices, fuel injectors, spray cans, pesticide / agricultural delivery systems or even fire extinguishers.

Envision Spray Analysis Software provides measurements of:

  • The cone angle (feather geometry)
  • angle / feather width
  • his height
  • the elliptical shape of the spray
  • spray size
  • the duration of the spray

For the characterization of the spray, the software provides a high speed image or video of the appropriate cross section of the spray (of course, you can also use it with one of our spray shape and spray measuring systems. geometry ). The software then performs a certain number of measurements.


Cone Angle / Feather Geometry Measurement

EnVision performs the characterization of a single image or can also combine a sequence of images of the spray to create a composite image and finally measure the cone angle, the geometry of the feather as well as other parameters definable by the l 'user.


Spray shape measurement

Spray analysis software can perform analyzes from a single image or from a combination of images. An ellipse or several ellipses are then inscribed on the image and all the key parameters of these are reported.


Spray duration measurement

The analysis is carried out from a series of images taken from a high-speed video and the evolution over time of the event created. You can use this information to understand the dose emission profile.

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