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Software Update

PIV software: VidPIV

VidPiIV is a visual programming language for particle image velocimetry combining complete analysis control, next-generation algorithms (including Ultra PIV resolution) and ease of use. Oxford Lasers offers basic particle image velocimetry software that can be upgraded to include Ultra and 3D PIV analysis. The software works equally well with standard systems as well as high speed systems.

"Tree" of the PIV software


The user builds an analytical tree by choosing combinations of nodes to process (ex: cross correlation, particle tracking), then to filter, and to reprocess (ex: adaptive correlation), before post-processing and extraction operations. data.

These operations can be applied in any logical order and the tree can be probed instantly at every step. It is also possible to use different analysis techniques on the same images, on the same project, in order to compare different algorithms.

The entire structure of the tree can simply be read, so that the teacher can be sure of the student's work, or the researcher can also test different analyzes. The entire analysis, raw data and results are stored in one file, so there is no danger of forgetting where you saved the analyzes, or the separate image files of the results.

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