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Axial Torsion Test Machines

Get the Widest Variety of Axial Torsion Test Machines

Choose from 15 different models with 100's of configurations

Choose from 15 different models with 100’s of configurations which allows you to optimize your testing capabilities and pick exactly what you need. While other companies only have 4 or 5 frames to choose from, our extensive product line of axial torsion test machines gives you the options you have been craving for. Why do we give you so many options? More choices mean fewer compromises!

Each solution can be custom designed to meet your exact application, both now and in the future. Today you might be testing luers and next you might be testing syringes. We've got you covered. Our axial torsion testers give you the freedom you need to keep testing for years to come.


Family Axial Load Capacity Torsion Capacity Applications

Low Force

131AT 1 or 2.2 kN (225 or 500 lbf)
1 to 20 Nm (9 to 177 in-lb)
Customizable for a wide range of applications - Static or Dynamic
0.8 to 2.5 kN (180 to 560 lbf)
1 to 10 Nm (8 to 89 in-lb)
Fatigue - Dynamic
240AT 1 or 4.4 kN  (225 or 1000 lbf) 20 Nm (177 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
830E3 1.6 to 5 kN (360 to 1125 lbf) 10 to 100 Nm (89 to 885 in-lb) Fatigue - Dynamic
310AT 5 kN (1125 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
130AT 2.2 to 10 kN (500 to 2250 lbf) 1 to 100 Nm (9 to 885 in-lb) Ideal for chambers & large samples that require extra space - Static

Medium Force

311AT 10 kN (2250 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
312AT 25 kN (5625 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
830E4 15 kN (3375 lbf) 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb) Fatigue - Dynamic
830E5 30 kN (6750 lbf) 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb) Fatigue - Dynamic

High Force

313AT 50 kN (11250 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
830E6 50 kN (11250 lbf) 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb) Fatigue - Dynamic
314AT 100 kN (22500 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
315AT 150 kN (33750 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static
316AT 300 kN (67000 lbf) 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb) UTM with torsion - Static


Step 1: Select Your Frame

Axial Torsion Test Machine

131AT Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: Electromechanical or Electrodynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 1 or 2.2 kN (225 or 500 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 1 to 20 Nm (9 to 177 in-lb)

Ideal solution for applications where tension, compression and torsion tests are required. The 131AT frame can be placed vertically or horizontally on a table. Most affordable solution. The modular design allows for cost-effective customizability for a wide range of applications. The 131 is ideal in cramped lab spaces where space is a premium.


Axial Torsion Test Machine

530E2 Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: All-Electric Dynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 0.8 to 2.5 kN (180 to 560 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 1 to 10 Nm (8 to 89 in-lb)

The 530E2 Axial Torsion Test Machine serves static, dynamic and fatigue testing applications where a material, product or device experiences combined axial and torsional loading conditions. Ideal for applications that require a dynamic speed range and situations where table space is limited. The 530E2 frame can be placed vertically or horizontally on a table. Commonly used for low force biological tissue applications.


Axial Torsion Test machine

240AT Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: Electromechanical 
Axial Load Capacity: 1 or 4.4 kN  (225 or 1000 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 Nm (177 in-lb)

The design features a mechanically stiff universal test machine with torsion motor either mounted on the moving crosshead or baseplate mounted. Ideal for high elongation materials such as rubber, elastomer, plastic, etc. as well as tensile, compression, torsion and combined biaxial tests. The 240AT load frame is compact and lightweight and applies to situations where lab table space is limited. The 240 family has multiple frames featuring high travels, high speeds, and is a premium UTM package. Best value.


Axial Torsion Test Machine

830E3 Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: All-Electric Dynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 1.6 to 5 kN (360 to 1125 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 10 to 100 Nm (89 to 885 in-lb)

The 830E3 systems cover a wide range of biaxial load capacities and applications. Ideal for low force load controlled fatigue testing applications. The larger frame is ideal for chambers and larger samples. 830 systems are modular, so they can be configured in a variety of ways. 


Universal Test Machine with Torsion

310AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 5 kN (1125 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 310AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Axial Torsion Test Machine

130AT Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 2.2 to 10 kN (500 to 2250 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 1 to 100 Nm (9 to 885 in-lb)

The 130AT column spacing enables use of environmental chambers and large test sample test requirements. Maximum force capacity is 10 kN (2250 lbf). The 130AT is the ideal solution for test labs where both tension, compression and torsion tests are required. 


Universal Test Machine with Torsion

311AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 10 kN (2250 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 311AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Universal Test Machine with Torsion

312AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 25 kN (5625 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 312AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Axial Torsion Test Machine

830E4 Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: All-Electric Dynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 15 kN (3375 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb)

The 830E4 systems cover a wide range of biaxial load capacities and applications. Ideal for low force load controlled fatigue testing applications.  830 systems are modular, so they can be configured in a variety of ways. 


Axial Torsion Test Machine

830E5 Axial Torsion Test Machine

Type: All-Electric Dynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 30 kN (3375 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb)

The 830E5 systems cover a wide range of biaxial load capacities and applications. Ideal for low force load controlled fatigue testing applications. 830 systems are modular, so they can be configured in a variety of ways. Compared to servohydraulic axial torsion tet machines, the 830E5 offers many advantages.


Universal Test Machine with Torsion

313AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 50 kN (11250 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 313AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests.


Axial Torsion Test Machine

830E6 Axial Torsion Test Machines

Type: All-Electric Dynamic
Axial Load Capacity: 50 kN (11250 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 10 to 200 Nm (89 to 1770 in-lb)

The 830E6 systems cover a wide range of high force biaxial load capacities and applications. Ideal for low force load controlled fatigue testing applications. 830 systems are modular, so they can be configured in a variety of ways. Compared to servohydraulic axial torsion tet machines, the 830E6 offers many advantages.


Universal Test Machine with Torsion

314AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 100 kN (22500 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 314AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Universal Test Machine with Torque

315AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 150 kN (33750 lbf)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 315AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Universal Test Machine with Torque

316AT Universal Test Machine with Torsion Add-on

Type: Electromechanical
Axial Load Capacity: 300 kN (67000)
Torque Capacity: 20 to 300 Nm (177 to 2655 in-lb)

The Torsion Channel Add-on package expands a universal test machine into a system that performs both torsion and combined axial-torsion (biaxial) tests. 316AT add-ons deliver great versatility at an affordable price for anyone that seeks the benefits of a universal test machine combined with torsion and biaxial test applications. In addition to torsion and combined axial torsion applications, these universal test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical tests including tensile, compressive, bend, bond, flexural, fracture, peel, shear, tear, stress relaxation, and short term creep tests. Best value in its force class.


Custom Axial Torsion Testers

Custom Axial Torsion Solutions

Don't see exactly what you need? We will take that challenge! Our application expert will help you find exactly what you need for your application. Fortunately, with our large number of standard products and a massive number of modular sub-assemblies, we can tweak an existing design quickly and economically.




Step 2: Select Your Controller Software

Newton test machine controller

Choose From 190+ Pre-configured Software Solutions

Pre-configured solutions meet customer specifications and budget for a wide range of test applications. Industry standard-specific software modules, enhanced features and custom calculations are just a few of the options to choose from with Newton.



Step 3: Select Your Accessories


Choose From 1,000's of Accessories

Choose from a wide variety of test accessories for a wide variety of purposes. These accessories include grips, environmental chambers, transducers, and sample preparation items. With these accessories, you can have confidence that your specimens will be tested consistently, correctly, and will yield ideal results.




Step 4: Contact Us

Ready to configure your test machine?

Contact us to confirm your configuration, request prices, and place your order. 


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