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Ion Viscosity and Temperature

연진에스텍 2020-04-24 09:25:41 1147

Temperature dependence of ion viscosity

For the measurement of mechanical viscosity and cure state, ion viscosity (IV) provides valuable information from a simple electrical measurement. Ion viscosity depends on the mobility of free ions under the influence of an electric field but also varies with temperature. Therefore, correct interpretation of ion viscosity requires knowledge of temperature at the time of measurement.

Prepreg processing

A common temperature schedule for vacuum bag curing of prepregs begins with an initial ramp-and-hold step, called the B-Stage. During the B-Stage, volatiles and reaction by-products are free to escape as the resin heats and softens. After the B-Stage a second ramp-and-hold heats the prepreg to a higher temperature for final curing. Pressure is applied during this second step to compress together the laminates of prepreg and consolidate the part. At this time any residual volatiles are unable to escape.


Reference :

Lambient TechnologiesTM Application Note 3.09—Ion Viscosity and Temperature, 1,4 Pages


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