GIBNIK offers a wide range of GC (capillary and packed) as well as HPLC columns individually tested and guaranteed for maximum chemical inertness and peak symmetry. KONIK reputed quality columns have been manufactured since 1978 with the XPECTRIX trade name at the time.
Gas Chromatography columns are of two types: packed or capillary. Packed columns are typically glass or stainless steel tubing filled with packing coated with the stationary phase. Capillary columns are small bore fused-silica capillary that holds the stationary phase coating its inner surface. Capillary columns provide much higher separation efficiency than packed columns but have more limited sample loading capacity.
1 · GC Capillary Columns & GC Packed Columns
2 · Ferrules, Fittings & GIBNIK Instruments Kits
3 · GC Septa
4 · Syringes
5 · Gas Handling & Purification
6 · Gas Generators
7 · HPLC Columns
8 · HPLC Fittings & Accessories
9 · GC/HPLC/MS Maintenance
10 · Sample Preparation
11 · Vials
12 · Standards & Reagents
13 · Vacuum Pumps & Accesories
14 ·Item Number Index
Product Index